Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 10- Steady Walleye Bite

On my second day of Ohio Walleye Fishing the weather was much much prettier. We got a much earlier start and fished a LONG day. We pretty much caught 2-3 Walleye per hour of Trolling and at the end of the day we had caught 22 Walleye. We had three over 28". I was lucky enough to land 2 of those. These were my 5th and 6th "Ohio Award-Winning Walleyes" in 4 days of Fishing over 2 years. Not bad! Timmy's dad also caught a trophy Walleye. Ohio gives out Fish Pins in recognition of catching Trophy sized fish. It is their equivalent to North Carolina's paper certificate that we refer to as a "Citation". We also caught a little bitty Walleye that was released, maybe in the 7" range. Smallest one that I've seen so far. Aggravating us was 1 Drum and 2 White Bass. I kept the Bass to eat because I've never tried them. I know they are pretty popular when caught in waters that don't contain Walleye. The ridiculous deliciousness of the Walleye shames all other fish! Anyhow, my 2015 Walleye season is over. I landed app 14 Walleye and had 3 fish between 28" and 29". I will call one of my FAT 28 1/2 incher a TEN POUND WALLEYE. I tried to get my Bogagrip on today's trophy but Tom had already put the steel blade to him. I would really truly like to THANK Tom and Timmy for their hospitality and kindness in allowing me this opportunity. They have rolled out the Red Carpet for me for 2 years in a row. So far as to even vacuum seal my fillets. Thanks again guys! Total Catch for the Day: 22 Walleye up to 10 lbs, 2 White Bass up to 12", and a 23" Freshwater Drum

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