Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 11- Two New Species

After driving across Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia. And fishing my way South. Catching nothing....... Finally, back in NC, in Mt Airy in the Arafat River, I scored! On the 3wt Fly Rod. And they were NOT LARGE! But, I landed 3 Redbreast Sunfish. Beautiful little fish for sure. I may or may not have caught this species before back in the 1980's. I caught a similar fish on the Brook Valley CC Golf Course in Greenville, NC. Anyway, I'm sure these were Redbreasts. I also caught a tiny Sucker on a fly too. Best I can tell, it was a species of Redhorse. I'll call it a Carolina Redhorse for now. I wanted a Northern Pike or a Musky in Pa and WVa. I fished "Musky waters"......Instead I caught a fricking Redhorse....... Great! Total Catch for the Day: 3 Redbreast Sunfish and 1 Carolina Redhorse

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