Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 13- Rain, Wind, and Lightning

Brock's 25th Anniversary Fishing Trip turned into a wild race for survival! That's an exaggeration, but not by much...... I allowed my crew to get caught in open water, in 50 kt winds, a deluge of pelting rain and hail, and a fricking "strobe light frequency" of Ground Stroke Lightning Bolts....... We got hammered straight out Beaufort Inlet, probably 4 miles offshore and it was a struggle in the high winds and zero visibility to get home. Not to mention the wind driven rain felt like 20 gauge #8 birdshot! As for the Lightning? All we could do is Hope we didn't get Struck....... and we didn't.  We spent 2 hours pulling live Menhaden around the Beaufort Inlet Bouy Chain trying to catch a King Mackerel. It sucked from the very beginning because my every move as Boat Captain was to stay dry. There was pockets of rain and small developing thunderheads in every direction, all morning long. I was never working a bait school or working a tide line, or anything of that sort. Every move was an effort to stay dry..... And when the main line of storms approached, I was a good 10 minutes late in pulling the plug on fishing. We paid dearly. It was terrifying. I'd guess one of Brock's friends will NEVER EVER set foot on a Boat again..... Epic Captain Fail. The only thing I did RIGHT all morning was that nobody got hurt. Thank God. My sincere apologies go out to Brock and friends!. Total Catch for the Day: Nothing 

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