Saturday, July 18, 2015

July 16- Slow Fishing

Capt Tuggy took the Top Water Boat today and went live bait fishing for King Mackerel. He fished out to 12 miles and back to the Beach. Tuggy finished up a slow day in the Bouy Chain. Dirty water, from the torrential rainfall that we've been having killed Tuggy's fishing. The guys did tie up some bottom rigs and catch 40 Black Sea Bass. They also caught 2 Spinner Sharks in close to the Beach. They missed the one King bite that had. Tuggy reported a sky-rocketing 25 pounder that screamed off 100 yards of line then escaped. Lucky King Mackerel. Unlucky Fishermen. Enough bad fishing dammit...... Time to turn this crappy 2015 around! Total Catch for the Day: 40 Black Sea Bass and 2 Spinner Sharks

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