Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oct 7 Red Drum and Croakers Chewing

Interesting. I haven't caught 10 Croakers all together since 1986. This afternoon, after showing my Scorpionfish to his new home I dropped by Taylor's Creek to see if catching some bait was possible. I caught no bait, but since the tide was flooding I made a cast with a gulp. This first cast was consumed by what I thought was a small Drum. However, it wasn't a Red Drum; it was a 16" Croaker that weighed 2 pounds. That was just the beginning. In the next hour I caught 6 Red Drum up to 31". I caught 8 Croaker that were all over 14". Seeing a Croaker event taking place; I put on a 2 hook bottom rig and quickly got a double header of 8 pound Red Drum. These were the first of several Red Drum that took me into structure and broke me off. The action was furious. However, when the tide quit running, the action died. See you again at 2am and it's going to be an epic Taylor's Creek Dock Bite! Total catch for the day was 6 Red Drum and 8 Croaker with a few Pinfish and Black Sea Bass getting in the way.

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