Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oct 8 Red Drum Bonanza

I don't mean to disrespect this species because they have never been my favorite fish, but I must say that so far Red Drum have to be the species of the year in 2008. Last night was an epic Red Drum bite in the Creek. Fishing around the high tide in the wee hours of the morning produced Drum after Drum. Live bait or gulp, didn't matter. It was a steady parade of Red Drum from 17" to 26". No Flounder bites. They never had a chance. In 2 hours, I caught a total of 15 Red Drum and lost a couple in the pilings. I kept golden 24" Red Drum that was deeply hooked and tossed the rest. This morning (10-08-08) I went down to catch some bait and caught another Red Drum and 2 Southern Flounders. I also had a good time pulling people in off Front Street to watch an Octopus that seems to have taken up residence around the dock. I actually caught him last week and never posted his picture until now. The afternoon produced 1 additional Red Drum and Southern Flounder. Also, Marcus R came by with his bag of tricks and pulled a nice Black Drum out of his hat! My total for the day 17 Red Drum and 3 Flounder.

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