Unfortunately, the title of this report could've been "Elusive Yellofin Tuna Completely Avoid Us" or "As Close as I ever got to a Bigeye Tuna". Oh well, here it is. Today, Steve Bittman and I went Tuna Fishing approximately 35 miles ESE of Oregon Inlet. Fishing had been pretty good so I decided to fish up that way before I headed back home. After the day was done, it was pretty disappointing, but very exciting. The Blackfin Tuna fishing was pretty good for us, but we never got a single bite from a Yellowfin Tuna. There were quite a few 40-60 pound Yellowfin Tuna caught. Our catch consisted of 2 sizes of Blackfins. Unfortunately, the majority of ours were in the 1/2 to 1 pound class and nearly all of these "Termite" Tuna were released. We did manage to catch 6 that were in the 7-10 pound range. We also caught 1 out of 2 Wahoo bites. The one we got was a 26 pounder and another bit off right at the boat. We had a White Marlin or a Sailfish attack a transom bait 3 times but didn't get hooked. The best (and worst) part of the day was when the Smoker hooked up 5 Bigeye Tuna right beside us. They caught caught 1 earlier and were working an area of bait over a ledge. They got covered up just as we arrived in the area and that was the end of that bite. Over an hour later, they put 3 fish in the boat (189, 180, and 150 pounders) We marked the school of Bigeyes three times, sitting a depth of 10 fathoms, but we couldn't get a bite. Neither did the other 25 Charterboats that were converging on this spot. Anyway... That was as close as I've been to a Bigeye Tuna and it sure did raise the awareness and the adrenaline level on the Boat. There were some tense minutes of absolute "readiness". We were stoked. Then we got a strike! And it was another 1 pound Blackfin Tuna. Back to reality. Total Catch for the Day: 25 Blackfin Tuna and 1 Wahoo
Thats the cutest Tuna I've ever seen. What kind is it?