Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ITS OFFICIAL: Top Water Charters has a State Record

The DMF has approved Chris Chadwick's 11 lb 3 oz Spadefish caught with Capt Marty and Top Water Charters back in June. Incredibly, the one Chris had officially weighed was probably one of 7 or 8 Spadefish that was caught aboard my boat during a couple of weeks of fishing on a shallow water Wreck up at Hatteras. BJ Swain, Tony Willis, and I all caught fish that crushed the previous State Record. We goofed up a cleaned several 10-11+ pounders before I realized the Record was pretty low. Chris and I set out to break it on June 14 and we accomplished our mission. Way to go Columbo. A no-fishing duck hunter just a couple of years ago, now he is in the Record Books!


  1. Congratulations Chris and Capt Marty

  2. Looks like I'm about to hit the BIG TIME.

  3. Congrats....see you on the cover of NC Sportman's magazine.


  4. Congratulations. And on your way to the top, you might remember this moment from coming to america:

  5. NC Sportsman......No Thanks. I'm NOT a supporter or a reader. You been talking to Tubie? That's his toilet and Engine Room Literature. Read all about the adventure's of Linklighter.
