It was an epic week for Sheepsheads! I knew when I left Hatteras on June 29th the Sheepsheads were there "in force." I had no idea that it would be this good! 10 Sheepsheads over 5 pounds on 7/21. Five Citations at 9 lb 14 oz, 9 lb 13 oz, 8 lb 14 oz, 8 lb 12 oz, and 8 lb 6 oz. Then we were rained out on the 22nd. After that it was 6 Sheepsheads on 7/23 over 4 pounds. Biggest 7 lb 4 oz. Then 7 Sheepsheads on 7/24 all over 5 pounds. Citations at 8 lb 14 oz, 8 lb 8 oz, and 8 lb 10 oz. Then 2 Sheepheads on 7/25 and one was a Citation winner at 10 lb 8 oz. The last 2 nights (26th and 27th) we couldn't reach the best fishing spot. (ATTN: Kayakers--150 foot paddle to the Spot in Sheltered waters with Zero Current) The fishing was much slower with only a few bites and I caught a couple of 5 pounders. I caught 8 Citations and I helped a crewmate catch another one at 8 lbs 10 oz. Way to go Tina! Tina caught 3 others over 5 pounds and Mark caught 2 at 7 pounds each. The smallest Sheepshead of the week was a 4 pounder that I released. These numbers were incredible, but the fish were tough to catch. We probably hooked half of our bites. It ain't going to get much better than this for Sheepsheads. EVER. Total Catch for the Week: 30 Sheepsheads 4 lb to 10lb 8oz each
Those are nice! Beaufort? Hatteras? Last september i found a 12 pounder hanging out down here with 2 others in the 11 lbs range, bigger than that is uncommon inshore, but i'm always hopeful. Not many people consistently catch big sheepshead like you do on rod and reel.
These came from Hatteras. I found a place where they bed down for the night. I used to argue that people couldn't catch them at night. As usual, I was wrong. Of these 30, I probably got 4 before sunset. Most came from 1am until 4 am!
I've heard a few stories of hooking sheepshead at night but your the first person i know with proof. I found out about sheepshead bedding down when i was freediving for flounder in 96, and i've been a sheepshead nut ever since. It's amazing i'll make 100 dives scouting an area and see 1 or 2 fish, then find "a spot" that has multiple 9+ pounders on every pilon, plus i find lots of unknown flounder spots like underwater pilon jams from past hurrinces, crab pot jungles, and lost sections of dredge pipe. I might have to try that night time hook and line fishing, what do you do? just bounce an urchin on their head to wake em up.
That's it. I know that Sheepsheads "bed down" (sleep) I've seen enough of them while flounder gigging. However, in deeper water with little or no current, I believe a bait dropped among them, especially a juicy, leaking urchin, will wake them up and make them hungry. I've seen this happen for 2 straight summers.
If you find a spot with multiple big fish, then I don't see how you can miss. When they start competing with each other for food, the fishing becomes SO EASY!
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