I must've lost my mind. It is a pretty day. Sharks, Kings, and jumbo Spanish Mackerel are chewing. Crevalle Jacks are here in numbers that I haven't seen since the summer of 1986. Flounder are here. In general, the Salt Water Fishing is great. So why am I casting bugs to Bream on the 3 wt Fly Rod? Somebody help me!!! The only reason I'm home right now is to get a bigger bug.....Session two is over and I'm through Pond Fishing for the day. The fishing went like this: Bluegills were active and hungry. They ate the popping bug with reckless abandon. I had several stud Bluegills today that were much bigger and healthier. Next year this Pond might actually put some meat on the table! I also caught several Bluegills today that were the ugliest little beasts I've seen in a while. They were mottled like the African Cichlids that we used to raise in our aquariums. Pumpkinseeds are on their beds now and were wishy washy. I caught some really nice Pumpkinseed today, but saw lots that would not bite. I caught the first Redear Sunfish that I've ever caught in Beaufort. It sure would be nice if that species would take over a Pond around here, but I doubt that would ever happen. Largemouth Bass were roaming in loose schools and were very curious about the Bugs and the Frog, but were not aggressive at all. Overall, I had lots of bites and caught lots of Bream. I saw lots of Bass and had a few bites. It was a blast. Total Catch for the Day: 25 Bluegill, 1 Redear Sunfish, 15 Pumpkinseed, and 7 Largemouth Bass (All on Fly Tackle)
Can the Magic Fishing Trip be to a pond?
That would probably be a Good Idea, but I'm not sure this Pond is big enough for Fester, Blue Moon, and Ronnie Paul.
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