Friday, December 19, 2008

Dec 19 Red Drum, Speckled Trout, and Flounder

Kyle had an interesting day with a "Carolina Inshore Grand Slam" and a TKO. I also caught a "Carolina Slam" and a severe headache. Kyle and I each caught and released at least one Red Drum, Speckled Trout, and Flounder. Our goal was a big catch of Speckled Trout, but Dense Fog caused us to abort our plan to go to Cape Lookout this morning. Instead we fished inside from Beaufort Inlet to the head of Oyster Creek and when it was all said and done, the Total Catch for the Day was: 15 Red Drum, 3 Southern Flounder, and 2 Speckled Trout.


Anonymous said...

how red is your ear?

Capt. Marty said...

I know this is you, McBrown! It's actually above my ear, on my skull. Thanks for the mild concussion. Get you back in Ocracoke next week. You've had it!!!